Psalm 9:2
"I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O thou, Most High." James 5:13 "Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise." Psalm 95:1 “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 104:33 “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.” It is evident in scripture that music is a gift from God, a method of worshiping and praising Him, of healing, of learning and memorizing scripture and more. There are so many wonderful benefits to music. Sadly, like with so many things that were meant for good, Satan has found a way to pervert music and use it to harm and destroy. A look at sister Ellen G White’s writing reveals that: Music can help us, like it did Jesus, resist Satan. -- When Christ was a child like these children here, He was tempted to sin, but He did not yield to temptation. As He grew older He was tempted, but the songs His mother had taught Him to sing came into His mind, and He would lift His voice in praise. And before His companions were aware of it, they would be singing with Him. God wants us to use every facility which Heaven has provided for resisting the enemy. --Manuscript 65, 1901. (Evangelism, p. 498) Music can be used as a “means of impressing spiritual truth”. --Song is one of the most effective means of impressing spiritual truth upon the heart. Often by the words of sacred song, the springs of penitence and faith have been unsealed. --Review and Herald, June 6, 1912. Music can help us when we are discouraged. --If there was much more praising the Lord, and far less doleful recitation of discouragements, many more victories would be achieved. --Letter 53, 1896. (Evangelism, p. 499) Music can enhance our worship and our Christian experience. --Evening and morning join with your children in God’s worship, reading His Word and singing His praise. Teach them to repeat God’s law. Concerning the commandments, the Israelites were instructed: "Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Accordingly, Moses directed the Israelites to set the words of the law to music. With this in mind, we wanted to give our students, who are all teenagers and especially susceptible to the negative influences of music, the opportunity to learn about how music can be a positive, beautiful blessing or a mechanism to draw their eyes away from God and to the world. Our friend and brother, Victor Dominquez, and his family, spent almost 2 weeks at Eben-Ezer this year ministering to our staff and students about music, heavenly music. Victor and his wife serve at a ministry in Bolivia called Quebrada Leon and Victor serves there as the education director and music director. He has a love for music, heavenly music and has spent years researching and learning about music and how it impacts us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Victor walked us through the different elements of music including rhythm, melody, harmony and much more. He helped us to understand the impact that each element has on brain function and thinking and how when working together, these elements create music that will be uplifting, inspiring and draw us toward our loving, Heavenly Father. Our theme song for the event was fitting…and one that many of you probably know well! In My Heart There Rings a Melody I have a song that Jesus gave me It was sent from heav’n above There never was a sweeter melody ‘Tis a melody of love Chorus: In my heart there rings a melody There rings a melody with heaven’s harmony In my heart there rings a melody There rings a melody of love I love the Christ who died on Calv’ry For He washed my sins away He put within my heart a melody And I know it’s there to stay ‘Twill be my endless theme in glory With the angels I will sing ‘Twill be a song with glorious harmony When the courts of heaven ring
As Christians, most of us have heard and read about the sanctuary that the Israelites built after they escaped slavery and used as their system of atonement. God had instructed them to build the sanctuary to remind them of their coming Redeemer. But, did you know that there is also a sanctuary in Heaven? The earthly sanctuary was actually modeled after the one in heaven, it was a “copy and shadow of the heavenly things” (Hebrews 8:5). It symbolized the ministry of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary and each element within it pointed to our Savior, Jesus.
There is a wonderful article that goes into detail about what each item, piece of furniture, element of the sanctuary symbolizes. Whether you are familiar with the sanctuary or not, we encourage you to take the time to read the article. It tells the beautiful story of Jesus and His love for each of us! One of the things that we have dreamed of is having our own sanctuary set at Eben-Ezer. We love the message of the Sanctuary and see it as a wonderful way to share with others the story of Jesus and the promise of Salvation. This year, that dream became a reality! We were blessed to host Antonio Zabala, a friend and fellow missionary here in Bolivia who is also a talented carpenter. Brother Antonio was here for a month and spent that time ministering to our staff and students through construction and sharing his love for the messages and wonderful truths we can learn through the sanctuary story. It was a blessing and an honor to see our students working alongside Antonio as he shared not only his talents and abilities in construction, but more importantly his deep love for serving Jesus. Every day, every step of the process he would remind the kids that this work was not just construction…but that it was sacred, a holy work for the Lord. For him, his talents were not given to him to serve himself, but to use to bring glory and honor to his Savior. It was a true privilege to work alongside, learn from and serve with Antonio. We are so excited for opportunities to use these beautiful pieces of furniture to reach others for Him! Our vision it take the set to local churches and indigenous communities to share the story with them. We are praying for the ability to purchase or make costumes that will allow us to give the story a more realistic feel. We pray for opportunities to start sharing this wonderful blessing with others during the 2025 school-year! “The canvassing work (of literature evangelists), properly conducted, is missionary work of the highest order, and it is as good and successful a method as can be employed for placing before the people the important truths for this time. The importance of the work of the ministry is unmistakable; but many who are hungry for the bread of life have not the privilege of hearing the word from God's delegated preachers. For this reason it is essential that our publications be widely circulated. Thus the message will go where the living preacher cannot go, and the attention of many will be called to the important events connected with the closing scenes of this world's history.” -- Colporteur Ministries 6.1
Eben-Ezer exists to serve as a refuge, a place where vulnerable, often broken young people can come heal, grow and thrive in Jesus. We are a school and so of course we have regular classes for the kids here, but we believe that our greatest purpose is to mentor each of our precious students and to instill in them a missionary spirit, a desire to serve and to reach others with the message of hope and salvation. The 2024 school-year at Eben-Ezer ended on December 1. It is always bitter sweet to send “our” kids home for vacation. Here, on campus, they have the safety and security of living where they have very little exposure to the world. They do not have access to their phones. They do not have access to television, movies or social media (or internet in general). We know that for some, vacation is an opportunity to spend time with their families and loved ones and to rest and recover from an intense year of studying, working and serving. But, for many, they will leave here and truly be back out in the world, away from the church and in many situations where they will be vulnerable for trouble to find them. We are overjoyed to know that six of our students, including current and former students have chosen to spend their summer break canvassing in LaPaz, Bolivia. Canvassing provides many unique and valuable experiences and opportunities for those who participate. We have heard countless stories from canvassers around the world and how they saw first-hand God answering peoples prayers. Stories like the one Jemima shares below: “Jemima could not get the man at the door to look at her books, so she decided to just talk and connect with him. Part way through the conversation, he asked, “Are you a Christian? I can tell you’re a Christian by your love.” This opened the door for Jemima to share more about her personal testimony and what exactly our group is doing going door to door. Hearing this, he wanted to donate to the cause. Jemima decided to share The Answer Book and The Great Controversy with him because he is a Christian who writes books about what he studies in the Bible. He said The Answer Book is “perfect for his next book” and loved that The Great Controversy would help him understand what’s happening in our world today. The man saw the love of Jesus in Jemima and understood why she was really at his door—to share a deeper knowledge of the things of God.”. We are excited for Yhovanny, Dayana, Frank, Albert, Yonatan and Aaron cannot wait to hear from them about their experiences! We know that they will each grow in their faith and their relationships with God over the next couple of months. Missions has always been a part of Eben-Ezer. People will often comment that they find it ironic that a mission project does mission trips. While that does sound a little redundant, for our students, it’s school…they do not generally arrive here with the mindset that they are missionaries. With this in mind, it is one of our goals to give them multiple, various opportunities to serve as missionaries through outreach and evangelism, community service and mission trips. Each week, we have several groups of students and staff who go into the local community (Ixiamas) and minister to families and individuals there. We are able to do community service projects about twice per month.. Sometimes that means helping out the city officials or local hospital, other times we help individuals or families who have special needs. We also do mission trips throughout the year where we take a small group (8-10) of students and staff and, in partnership with a medical mission project in Bolivia, B3, we go into indigenous communities in northwestern Bolivia to provide medical and evangelistic missions.
In the 2024 school-year, we had a goal to do a minimum of 5 mission trips. 2023 was a difficult year and as a result, we were only able to do a couple of trips. We see the impact that these opportunities have on our students and our volunteers, too, and so we prayed that we would be able to do more trips this year. They are generally short trips, 3-4 days, but even so, and despite the mosquitos and sometimes lack of clean water to bathe in, those who participate always come back with stories, excitement and a new found energy for serving. With God’s help, we were able to exceed our goal and do 10 mission trips this year! What an incredible blessing! One gentleman, we’ll call him “David” in particular comes to mind. David was hunting several years ago when he was attacked by a wild pig. He was bitten on his leg, which became severely infected. He was put on heavy antibiotics, which ended up causing him to become blind and because he did not have financial means, his blindness became permanent. Sadly, the story gets worse. The antibiotics were not enough and he also ended up losing his leg. David lives alone in a 1-room rental house with an outhouse. He has a bed, a couple of plastic chairs, a table, a small refrigerator and some shelving for the few clothes that he has. He does not have family and has been robbed multiple times because he is alone, blind, lame and extremely vulnerable. He has no way of working and so often he is hungry, as well. One group of students and staff have been visiting with David each week during our weekly evangelism and he has been so grateful for the companionships and fellowship during those visits. Recently, a group went and cleaned his house and did some other small projects for him during community service. What a blessing and a privilege it is to serve and to know someone like David, a kind, humble and courageous man. We are now starting to see even more fruits of our labor with regard to mission trips and serving in the various indigenous communities. This year, for the first time, we had volunteers actually move into one of the communities that we frequently visit, Tigre. Tigre has a very small Adventist church. For years, the church has only had 1 member, brother Augustine. Augustine wanted a church in Tigre so badly that he donated part of his own property and built a church on it. Each week, even if he was the only one there, and often he was/is, he goes to the church and worships the Lord. Tigre is a community without any running water, no plumbing, no internet or phone signal. It is a small community that is about 3 hours from Ixiamas. Augustine is a hard-working man who has had a desire, a burden, to do more to help the church grow, but he often lives alone (he does have a family, but they do not always live in Tigre) and must work long hours in order to survive. In July of this year, three missionaries, Alfredo, Wilson and Manolo , decided to step far outside of their comfort zones and move to Tigre for 5 months to help Augustine with construction of a small house for missionaries to stay in when they visit and also to do outreach and service projects in the community. These three young men made a huge impact in the life of Augustine and also in the community of Tigre. There are now more people regularly attending church there and several have expressed interest in being baptized. Praise the Lord! We are now actively searching for new missionaries to take their places to continue the work that they started in this special place. In addition, Alfredo is planning to go to a new indigenous community to live and serve. He is looking for at least one partner to go with him and once he finds them…he will be moving to minister there. Please pray with us that God will provide more missionaries for Tigre and that Alfredo with a missionary partner soon! We want to tell you a story about one of our students. Her name is "Bella" and she is 14 years old. Bella is a new student this year at Eben-Ezer. When she arrived, it became apparent very soon that she needed extensive dental work done. Her teeth were in such bad condition that in the first several months that she was here we never once saw her smile. We could quickly see that her oral health issues were having a negative impact on her socially, psychologically and physically. We are blessed to have a wonderful husband/wife dental team close by and Bella started going every-other day for several weeks to have her teeth fixed. Today, Bella is all smiles! Her teeth are beautiful and we have seen her blossom in every area of her life since her teeth were fixed! It has been a blessing for us to see her smiling, laughing, interacting with her classmates, friends and the volunteers here on campus. And Bella, she is so grateful. She has expressed over and over her gratitude for giving her the gift of a smile. Over the years, we have received feedback from folks who would like a practical, hands-on way to be more involved with Eben-Ezer and our students. Of course, prayer is a way that everyone can be involved, but for many…they want to do more. After requests from various friends of our ministry to provide a way for them to sort of “adopt” one of our students and provide support and encouragement to them…we decided to create a sponsorship initiative giving them and others the opportunity to do just that! We have so many kids like Bella here on campus who have various needs. It was a privilege for us to be able to help Bella and we would do it again, but the reality is that we often do not have the funds to be able to pay for these types of things and put food on the table for the 90+ people who live here on campus most of the year. We also see daily the impacts that affect so many of our kids who do not have a strong support system outside of Eben-Ezer. People to support them emotionally, physically, financially or spiritually. As you may know, many (maybe most) of our students have experienced a great deal of trauma in their lives. Some have experienced the loss of one or both parents through death, abandonment and/or incarceration. Too many of our kids have experienced emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse. Many of them come from homes where there is little or no stability and very little money. Frequently, our kids have describe Eben-Ezer as a place of refuge for them. A place where they feel loved, safe and where they can grow and learn. We often hear this same thing from parents/ care takers. They long for connection with others, for people in their lives who are genuinely "there" for them. It is our desire for each of our kids to have a sponsor who will not only help them out financially, but also by praying daily for them, periodically sending them a note of encouragement or a happy birthday, etc. In her book Mind, Character and Personality, Vol.2, EGW wrote that "In the Lord's plan, human beings have been made necessary to one another. If all would do their utmost to help those who need their help, their unselfish sympathy and love, what a blessed work might be done". What a huge blessing it will be for our kids, and for their sponsors, to have someone who is walking alongside them, cheering them on and helping them to heal, grow and thrive in Christ so that they can in turn be a blessing to others. We invite you to prayerfully consider "adopting" one of our precious students and giving them the incredible blessing of having someone who is supporting them and walking with them. The details: $50 monthly sponsorships will cover food and lodging (we are a boarding school so the students live here almost 10 months per year) the student you are sponsoring. $75 monthly sponsorship will cover food, lodging along with part of the students tuition, supplies/books and polo’s (part of their uniform) for the year. You can visit the Sponsor a Student page here on our website for more information on how to become a monthly sponsor and to “meet” each of our students. We also encourage you to follow our Facebook page, if you are not already doing do, where we are introducing each of the students and volunteer missionaries at Eben-Ezer this year. Webpage: Sponsor a Student Facebook page: Unidad Educativa Eben-Ezer Bolivia Please send us an email here if you have any questions or would like more information. Thank you so much for being part of our family. We are so grateful for every prayer, donation, positive word of encouragement etc that we receive from all of you and we pray daily for God’s most abundant blessings on you and your loved ones. El español está debajo…
A few posts ago, we shared that every year we have a long waiting list of students who need or want to attend Eben-Ezer or families who want their children to attend. It is one of our most difficult tasks...choosing who we can and cannot accept. We get desperate calls from many parents who want so badly for their children to come, to have the opportunity to receive all the beautiful and wonderful benefits of being in a place like Eben-Ezer. For some, they are brothers and sisters in Christ and know that if their children can attend, they will have the opportunity to grow in their own faith and develop a deep love for Jesus, for others, their children are struggling, perhaps with risky behaviors and friendships with addictions, perhaps with not fitting in or not having friends. In most cases, we have children who want to come because they don't have a safe home. They may have been abandoned or live in a home where there is abuse or extreme neglect. Every story is different... and yet many are similar. It's hard to say no to any of them. Late last week we had a big storm. It rained heavily and, as a result, the river that splits our driveway in two overflowed and became too dangerous for vehicles to drive through. This is not uncommon here...especially at this time of year. You can see from the photos that even crossing on foot is quite risky and dangerous. The water moves very fast and is incredibly fast flowing. The river bed is made up of rocks, so it can be slippery and uneven, making walking unstable. In these circumstances, it is very easy to slip and fall. With the water flowing so fast, and some areas being deep this could be risky and dangerous. We received word that a student was coming. She wanted to apply to attend Eben-Ezer and interview with us. We told her that we could not come out because of the river and that we could not interview her that day. She was determined to come and, as you can see from the pictures...she did (with the help of her uncle...fortunately)! Now that is determination! We currently have over 50 children on our waiting list. We also get 4-5 calls a day, on average, often more, from other families who want their children to come to Eben-Ezer for the 2024 school year. Please pray with us that we will make the right decisions about who to accept this year. We also ask for your prayers as our students prepare to return. And please pray especially for those who we can not say yes to. We pray that they will find a place where they can receive a good education and most importantly.... where they can hear and learn about the One who loves them most! Hace unos posts, compartimos que cada año tenemos una larga lista de espera de estudiantes que necesitan o quieren asistir a Eben-Ezer o familias que quieren que sus hijos asistan. Es una etapa dificil de lo que hacemos ... elegir quién podemos y no podemos aceptar. Recibimos llamadas desesperadas de muchos padres que desean tanto que sus hijos vengan, para tener la oportunidad de recibir todos los beneficios hermosos y maravillosos de estar en un lugar como Eben-Ezer. Para algunos, son hermanos en cristo y saben que si sus hijos pueden asistir, tendrán la oportunidad de crecer en su propia fe y desarrollar un profundo amor por Jesús, para otros, sus hijos están luchando, tal vez con conductas de riesgo y amistades con adicciones, tal vez con no encajar o no tener amigos. En la mayoria de los casos, tenemos niños que quieren venir porque no tienen un hogar seguro. Puede que hayan sido abandonados o que vivan en un hogar en el que hay malos tratos o negligencia extrema. Cada historia es diferente... y sin embargo muchas son similares. Es difícil decir no a alguno de ellos. A finales de la semana pasada tuvimos una gran tormenta. Llovió mucho y, como consecuencia, el río que divide nuestra entrada en dos se desbordó y se volvió demasiado peligroso para los vehículos. Esto no es raro aquí... especialmente en esta época del año. Se puede ver en las fotos que incluso cruzar a pie es bastante arriesgado y peligroso. El agua se mueve muy rápido y es increíblemente caudaloso. El lecho del río está formado por rocas, por lo que puede ser resbaladizo y desigual, lo que hace que caminar sea inestable. En estas circunstancias, es muy fácil rezbalar y caerse. Con el agua fluyendo tan rápido, y algunas zonas siendo profundas esto podría ser arriezgado y peligroso. Recibimos la noticia de que venía una estudiante. Ella quería aplicar para asistir a Eben-Ezer y entrevistarse con nosotros. Le dijimos que no podíamos salir debido al río y que no podíamos entrevistarla ese día. ¡Ella estaba decidida a venir y, como se puede ver en las fotos ... lo hizo (con la ayuda de su tio ... afortunadamente)! ¡Eso sí que es determinación! Actualmente tenemos más de 50 niños en nuestra lista de espera. También recibimos 4-5 llamadas diarias, en promedio, a menudo más, de otras familias que quieren que sus hijos vengan a Eben-Ezer para el año escolar 2024. Por favor, oren con nosotros para que tomemos las decisiones correctas acerca de quién aceptar este año. También pedimos sus oraciones mientras nuestros estudiantes se preparan para regresar. Y, por favor, oren especialmente por aquellos a quienes no pudimos decirles que sí. oramos para que encuentren un lugar donde puedan recibir una buena educación y lo más importante... ¡donde puedan escuchar y aprender sobre Aquel que más les ama! (El español está debajo…)
LIGHT and student missionaries in training: While it is certainly a goal of ours to prepare our students for life after they finish school, our greatest hope is that they will leave Eben-Ezer with a relationship with God and a desire to serve Him. We pray that each of them will want to serve in some capacity as missionaries. This month (January), Instituto Quebrada Leon (IQL), a fellow mission project here in Bolivia, is hosting a month long training program called LIGHT. LIGHT stands for “Lay Institute for Global Health Training”. During this program, attendees will learn how to “share the light of Gods love through ministering to the needs of humanity.”. We are blessed to know that four of our students, two current and two recent graduates, are attending the LIGHT program and are enthusiastic about what they are learning. Two are there as a result of a recent mission trip they went on as part of the Eben-Ezer team. They were able to help with health evangelism during that trip and talk with former staff from IQL and chose to attend based on their experiences and conversations. Praise the Lord for always knowing what we need and when! We also have several other former students who are doing mission work in some way.
Each of these students has a story. Most of them have experienced trauma in their lives from things like abuse (physical, emotional and/or sexual), loss of a parent (or both) either through death or abandonment and more. We are so proud of each of them and we know that God has walked alongside them, and at times He has carried them, to this point and that He will continue to be right there with them as they follow His lead. Please help us to pray for our students who are attending LIGHT and for the rest of OUR kids who have chosen to co-labor with Jesus by being His hands and feet here on earth. “Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it. God grant that the importance of medical missionary work shall be understood, and that new fields may be immediately entered.” CME7.4 Si bien es cierto que uno de nuestros objetivos es preparar a nuestros estudiantes para la vida después de terminar la escuela, nuestra mayor esperanza es que salgan de Eben-Ezer con una relación con Dios y el deseo de servirle. Oramos para que cada uno de ellos quiera servir en alguna capacidad como misioneros. Este mes (Enero), el Instituto Quebrada Leon (IQL), un proyecto misionero compañero aquí en Bolivia, es anfitrión de un programa de entrenamiento de un mes llamado LUZ. LIGHT significa "Instituto Laico para la Formación en Salud Global". Durante este programa, los asistentes aprenderán a "compartir la luz del amor de Dios a través de ministrar a las necesidades de la humanidad". Tenemos la bendición de saber que cuatro de nuestros estudiantes, dos actuales y dos recién graduados, asisten al programa LIGHT y están entusiasmados con lo que están aprendiendo. Dos están allí como resultado de un reciente viaje misionero en el que participaron como parte del equipo de Eben-Ezer. Ellos fueron capaces de ayudar con la evangelización de la salud durante ese viaje y hablar con el personal anterior de IQL y decidió asistir sobre la base de sus experiencias y conversaciones. ¡Alabado sea el Señor por saber siempre lo que necesitamos y cuándo! También tenemos varios otros ex alumnos que están haciendo trabajo misionero de alguna manera.
Cada uno de estos estudiantes tiene una historia. La mayoría de ellos han sufrido traumas en sus vidas, como abusos (físicos, emocionales y/o sexuales), la pérdida de uno de sus padres (o de ambos), ya sea por muerte o abandono, y mucho más. Estamos muy orgullosos de cada uno de ellos y sabemos que Dios ha caminado a su lado, y a veces los ha llevado, hasta este punto y que continuará estando a su lado mientras siguen su ejemplo. Por favor ayúdenos a orar por nuestros estudiantes que asisten a LIGHT y por el resto de NUESTROS niños que han elegido colaborar con Jesús siendo Sus manos y pies aquí en la tierra. "La obra médica misionera lleva a la humanidad el evangelio de la liberación del sufrimiento. Es la obra pionera del Evangelio. Es el evangelio practicado, la compasión de Cristo revelada. Esta obra es muy necesaria y el mundo está abierto a ella. Dios quiera que se comprenda la importancia de la obra médica misionera, y que se pueda entrar inmediatamente en nuevos campos." CME7.4 El español está abajo…
“The spirit of Christ is a missionary spirit. The very first impulse of the renewed heart is to bring others also to the Saviour.” GC88 70.2 This week, Eben-Ezer will be partnering with our friends at Gospel Aviation - Bienestar 3 (B3 for short) to head back to Mididi to continue to connect with and minister to the folks there. We are blessed and privileged to have the relationship that we have with the Torewa community and also our friendship with B3. Our group will once again be cooking all of the meals, providing children’s programs and visiting families in the community. B3 will provide medical and dental care and the crew from Eben-Ezer will also have the opportunity to work alongside them and assist in any way we can. Mission trips, like the trips that we take to Torewa, are an essential part of our project at Eben-Ezer. In Matthew 28, vs 19-20, Jesus instructs His disciples to ”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” EGW writes that “As Christ's representatives the apostles were to make a decided impression on the world. The fact that they were humble men would not diminish their influence, but increase it; for the minds of their hearers would be carried from them to the Saviour, who, though unseen, was still working with them.” As Christs humble representatives today, we want to carry forth the work of the apostles and continue to share with those around us the Good News of Jesus. We have a special and unique opportunity to include our students in this work and allow them to experience the blessing of service. As they go from house to house, we pray that they will find “access to many hearts” and that “many will be reached who otherwise would never have heard the gospel message.” (CME 11.1). Please pray with us that we will be able to do several mission trips this year. Our goal for the 2024 school-year is to do a minimum of 5 short-term (3-4 days) trips. This would give about half, maybe a little over half, of our students the opportunity to participate and serve as missionaries. It is our earnest prayer that each opportunity that our kids have to serve will plant and water the seeds of lifelong service in them. You are also in our prayers. May God bless you and your loved ones, and those to whom you may be ministering to as well. "El espíritu de Cristo es un espíritu misionero. El primer impulso del corazón renovado es llevar también a otros al Salvador." CG88 70.2 Esta semana, Eben-Ezer se asociará con nuestros amigos de Gospel Aviation - Bienestar 3 (B3 para abreviar) para volver a Mididi para continuar conectando y ministrando a la gente de allí. Somos bendecidos y privilegiados de tener la relación que tenemos con la comunidad Torewa y también nuestra amistad con B3. Una vez más, nuestro grupo cocinará todas las comidas, ofrecerá programas infantiles y visitará a las familias de la comunidad. B3 proporcionará atención médica y dental y el equipo de Eben-Ezer también tendrá la oportunidad de trabajar junto a ellos y ayudar en todo lo que podamos. Los viajes misioneros, como los que hacemos a Torewa, son una parte esencial de nuestro proyecto en Eben-Ezer. En Mateo 28, versículos 19-20, Jesús ordena a sus discípulos: "Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, y enseñándoles a guardar todo lo que yo os he mandado. Y he aquí que yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo". EGW escribe que "Como representantes de Cristo, los apóstoles debían causar una decidida impresión en el mundo. El hecho de que fueran hombres humildes no disminuiría su influencia, sino que la aumentaría; porque las mentes de sus oyentes serían llevadas de ellos al Salvador, quien, aunque invisible, seguía obrando con ellos." Como humildes representantes de Cristo hoy, queremos continuar el trabajo de los apóstoles y seguir compartiendo con los que nos rodean la Buena Nueva de Jesús. Tenemos una oportunidad especial y única de incluir a nuestros alumnos en este trabajo y permitirles experimentar la bendición del servicio. Mientras van de casa en casa, oramos para que encuentren "acceso a muchos corazones" y que "se llegue a muchos que de otra manera nunca habrían escuchado el mensaje del Evangelio." (CME 11.1). Por favor oren con nosotros para que podamos hacer varios viajes misioneros este año. Nuestra meta para el año escolar 2024 es hacer un mínimo de 5 viajes de corto plazo (3-4 días). Esto daría a la mitad, tal vez un poco más de la mitad, de nuestros estudiantes la oportunidad de participar y servir como misioneros. Es nuestra más ferviente oración que cada oportunidad que nuestros niños tengan para servir planten y rieguen en ellos las semillas del servicio para toda la vida. Ustedes también están en nuestras oraciones. Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus seres queridos, y también a aquellos a quienes puedan estar ministrando. (El traducción al español esta abajo)
Happy New Year! And just like that…another year is finished! The old saying “time flies” sure does seem fitting this time of year. Most people can probably say that 2023 was a year full of blessings and challenges. They was certainly the case at Eben-Ezer. We said some difficult goodbyes, welcomed new staff and students to our family and experienced blessings that only God could have orchestrated that reminded us that we can trust Him to meet our needs and that He is always working on our behalf. It is with this in mind that we look ahead to 2024 and are excited to see how our Father in Heaven will work at Eben-Ezer this year! We have been busy interviewing students/families as we prepare for the 2024 school year. As always, the need (families wanting their children to come to our school and the number of high-risk children who would benefit from the safety they would receive at Eben-Ezer) exceeds our capacity. Please pray with us that God will help us make the best decisions regarding which students will be able to attend Eben-Ezer. It is always a difficult process because there is so much need and we want to accommodate every student who wants, or in many cases needs to come while keeping in mind our capacity and ability to meet their needs. Every year, and the 2024 school year is no exception, we have a waiting list for those we pray for. if it were just one child on that list it would be just as important to us, especially when we know they may not be living in safe conditions. So far, we have 30 children on the waiting list. Based on previous years, we anticipate that we will receive many more applications as we get closer to the start of the school year and that waiting list could exceed 60 children. One of the most critical components that we must consider when determining how many kids we can accept each school year is our staffing. We feel strongly that it is important for us to balance the number of kids we take in with the number of volunteers we have to provide adequate care for them. We have several key positions that are currently vacant and without staff in those roles, we unfortunately cannot provide that level of care needed to give each applicant an opportunity to come. Without sufficient volunteers, that waiting list will continue to grow. If you have had the desire to serve as a missionary…maybe Eben-Ezer would be an answer to your prayers. We sure would love to talk with you about your interests and skills. Current positions that are open at Eben-Ezer include: Girls head dean Girls assistant deans Assistant boys deans Kitchen lead/head chef School secretary Teachers…for various classes Medical staff (nurse, doctor…) Psychologist or therapist Agriculture specialist Director of education You can learn more about these positions and find the application on the volunteer page here on our website. If you have even the faintest thought that He may be calling you to step out in faith, out of your comfort zone to serve Him in the mission field, we want to encourage you to trust Him and take that leap. You will be blessed in ways that you can’t imagine and, if you allow Him to, He will use you to bless others and meet their needs in the most perfect way. If He has called you to serve in the foreign mission field, then He will equip you with everything you need in order to carry out His mission. Feel free to reach out to us via PM, by email ([email protected]) or via WhatsApp at +59173956525 if you have any questions about serving at Eben-Ezer, or if you are just looking for some encouragement or advice about mission work in general. We would love to hear from you! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Y así de repente... ¡se acabó otro año! El viejo dicho "el tiempo vuela" parece muy apropiado en esta época del año. La mayoría de la gente probablemente puede decir que 2023 fue un año lleno de bendiciones y desafíos. Este fue ciertamente el caso en Eben-Ezer. Dijimos algunas despedidas difíciles, dimos la bienvenida a nuevo personal y estudiantes a nuestra familia y experimentamos bendiciones que sólo Dios podría haber orquestado que nos recordó que podemos confiar en Él para satisfacer nuestras necesidades y que Él siempre está trabajando en nuestro favor. ¡Es con esto en mente que miramos hacia el 2024 y estamos emocionados de ver cómo nuestro Padre en el cielo trabajara en Eben-Ezer este año! Hemos estado ocupados haciendo entrevistas de estudiantes/familias mientras nos preparamos para el año escolar 2024. Como siempre, la necesidad (familias que quieren que sus hijos vengan a nuestra escuela y el número de niños en situacion de alto riesgo que se beneficiarían de la seguridad que recibirían en Eben-Ezer) supera nuestra capacidad. Por favor, oren con nosotros para que Dios nos ayude a tomar las mejores decisiones con respecto a qué estudiantes podrán asistir a Eben-Ezer. Siempre es un proceso difícil porque hay tanta necesidad y queremos acomodar a cada estudiante que quiere, o en muchos casos necesita venir mientras mantenemos en mente nuestra capacidad y habilidad para satisfacer sus necesidades. Todos los años, y la gestion escolar 2024 no es una excepción, tenemos una lista de espera por los que oramos. si fuera un solo niño en esa lista seria igual de importante para nosotros, especialmente cuando sabemos que pueden no vivir en condiciones seguras. Hasta ahora, tenemos 30 niños en lista de espera. Si nos basamos en años anteriores, prevemos que recibiremos muchas más solicitudes a medida que se acerque el inicio del curso escolar esa lista de espera podria superar los 60. Uno de los componentes más críticos que debemos tener en cuenta a la hora de determinar cuántos niños podemos aceptar cada año escolar es nuestra cantidad de personal. Creemos firmemente que es importante equilibrar el número de niños que aceptamos con el número de voluntarios que tenemos para proporcionarles una atención adecuada. Tenemos varios puestos clave que actualmente están vacantes y sin personal en esas funciones, lamentablemente no podemos proporcionar ese nivel de atención necesario para dar a cada solicitante la oportunidad de venir. Si usted ha tenido el deseo de servir como misionero... tal vez Eben-Ezer sería una respuesta a sus oraciones. Nos encantaría hablar con usted acerca de sus llamado y habilidades. Las posiciones actuales que están abiertas en Eben-Ezer incluyen: Preseptora principal de chicas Monitoras de chicas Monitores de chicos Jefe de cocina Secretaria escolar Profesores... de varias clases Personal médico, (Doctor o especialista en remedios naturales) Psicólogo o terapeuta Especialista en agricultura Director académico Puede obtener más información sobre estos puestos y encontrar la solicitud AQUI en la página de voluntariado de nuestro sitio web. Si usted tiene el más mínimo pensamiento de que Dios puede estar llamándolo a dar un paso de fe, fuera de su zona de comodidad para servirle en el campo misionero, queremos animarle a confiar en Él y dar ese paso Serás bendecido de maneras que no puedes imaginar y, si se lo permites, Él te usará para bendecir a otros y satisfacer sus necesidades de la manera más perfecta. Si Él te ha llamado a servir en el campo misionero, entonces Él te equipará con todo lo que necesitas para llevar a cabo Su misión. No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de, correo electrónico ([email protected]) o vía WhatsApp (+59173956525) si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de servir en Eben-Ezer, o si usted está buscando un poco de ayuda o consejo sobre el trabajo misionero en general. ¡Nos encantaría saber de ti! Our graduates. Top row (from left to right): Uziel, Geovanni, Joel Daniel, Dixon, Luis Antonio. Bottom row (from left to right): Ada Karin, Soraida, Jocabed, Dayana, Esther (La traducción al español está debajo)
“Don’t Let Your Light Stop Shining” It’s summer break here in Bolivia! As many of you know, Bolivia is located in South America and we are south of the equator…and so, our summer starts in December (along with rainy season ). Our students have left for vacation, but not before celebrating graduation at Eben-Ezer! This year we had 10 graduates. Our largest graduating class yet!! Remember the story about the watermelons? If you haven’t read it…scroll down to the previous post and check it out . Our seniors worked hard all year and as a result, they were able to sell enough watermelons to hold a beautiful graduation ceremony, which included a delicious dinner for all who attended. The theme this year was “Don’t let your light stop shining”. We had a special ceremony where the seniors each chose a younger classmate to share some words of encouragement with them and to challenge them to be a bright light in this dark world. To keep their light shining. We pray that the words that they spoke to their friends will also stay with them as they leave the safety of Eben-Ezer and go out into the world. It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to our kids when they finish their education at Eben-Ezer. We are so excited to see them accomplish this goal and prepare to start the next chapter, and we will miss them greatly! We said good-bye to an exceptional group of young people this year and are praying fervently for all of them. Graduation brings many changes into someone’s life. It is typically a time when those graduating experience many emotions. Excitement, fear or nervousness, confidence for some…uncertainty or indecision for others. Thankfully God gives us the assurance that He has a plan for each of us and our prayer is that our graduates will seek Him with all of their hearts and allow His will to be done in their lives. We pray that God will keep their footsteps firm and to remind them that He is always with them. That His Word can be their guide and that if they stay connected to Him, that He will make clear to them where to go and what to do…He will “make known to them the path of life”. Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” “No Apagues Tu Luz” ¡Son vacaciones de verano aquí en Bolivia!Como muchos de ustedes saben, Bolivia se encuentra en América del Sur y estamos al sur del ecuador ... y por lo tanto, nuestro verano comienza en diciembre (junto con la temporada de lluvias ). Nuestros estudiantes se han ido de vacaciones, ¡pero no sin antes celebrar la graduación en Eben-Ezer! Este año tuvimos 10 graduados. ¡¡Nuestra clase de graduación más grande hasta ahora!! ¿Recuerdan la historia de las sandías? Si no la has leído...desplázate hasta el post anterior y échale un vistazo . Nuestros estudiantes de último año trabajaron duro todo el año y como resultado, pudieron vender suficientes sandías para celebrar una hermosa ceremonia de graduación, que incluyó una deliciosa cena para todos los que asistieron. El tema este año fue "No dejes que tu luz deje de brillar ". Tuvimos una ceremonia especial donde los graduandos eligieron cada uno un compañero de clase más joven para compartir algunas palabras de animo con ellos y desafiarlos a ser luz brillante en este mundo oscuro y mantener su luz brillando. Oramos para que las palabras que compartieron con sus amigos también se hayan quedado con ellos, ya que a medida que dejan la seguridad de Eben-Ezer saldrán al mundo. Siempre es agridulce decir adiós a nuestros chicos cuando terminan su educación en Eben-Ezer. Estamos muy emocionados de verlos cumplir esta meta y prepararse para comenzar el próximo capítulo, ¡y los extrañaremos mucho! . Nos despedimos de un grupo excepcional de jóvenes este año y estamos orando fervientemente por todos ellos. La graduación trae muchos cambios a la vida de alguien. Es típicamente un tiempo cuando los que se gradúan experimentan muchas emociones. Emoción, miedo o nerviosismo, confianza para algunos... incertidumbre o indecisión para otros. Afortunadamente Dios nos da la seguridad de que Él tiene un plan para cada uno de nosotros y nuestra oración es que nuestros graduados lo busquen con todo su corazón y permitan que se haga Su voluntad en sus vidas. Oramos para que Dios mantenga firmes sus pasos y les recuerde que Él siempre está con ellos. Que Su Palabra sea su guía y que si permanecen conectados a Él, Él les aclare a dónde ir y qué hacer... Él les "dará a conocer el camino de la vida". Romanos 12:2 "No os conforméis a este siglo, sino transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestro entendimiento, para que comprobéis cuál sea la buena voluntad de Dios, agradable y perfecta." ¡Lo hicimos chicos! (La traducción al español está por debajo)
“In order that the work may go forward in all its branches, God calls for youthful vigor, zeal, and courage. He has chosen the youth to aid in the advancement of His cause. To plan with clear mind and execute with courageous hand demands fresh, uncrippled energies. Young men and women are invited to give God the strength of their youth, that through the exercise of their powers, through keen thought and vigorous action, they may bring glory to Him and salvation to their fellow-men.” (Gospel Workers, 67.) Recently several of our staff and students had the opportunity to go on a mission trip with friends from a partner ministry, B3. The group headed up the river to Torewa, a community in the Madidi Forest that we have had the pleasure of visiting on several occasions. The team from B3 provided medical services and the crew from Eben-Ezer did all of the cooking, visited homes, gave hair cuts and did programming for the youth. Our students also had the opportunity to work alongside the doctors and help them with some of their tasks, including weighing kids and taking blood pressures! This past year we were not able to do as many mission trips as we had hoped. It is out plan to do more during the next school year. While we are a school that provides classroom learning, our desire is to follow as closely as possible Gods design for education…true education. We want to prepare our students for life after high school, and most importantly we want to help in the development of our students while being…physical, spiritual and mental. It is our desire that each of them will leave Eben-Ezer with a desire to serve while here on earth which we pray will give them a glimpse of the “joy of higher service in the world to come”. To accomplish that, we want to give them opportunities to experience the joy of service while they are in our care. “Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than the persual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.” (Education, pg 13) We would be so grateful for your prayers as we minister to each precious child entrusted to us and our care. Thank you for walking alongside us on this journey. El español... "Para que la obra pueda avanzar en todas sus ramas, Dios pide vigor, celo y valor juveniles. Él ha escogido a la juventud para ayudar en el avance de Su causa. Para planear con mente clara y ejecutar con mano valiente se requieren energías frescas e inquebrantables. Se invita a los hombres y mujeres jóvenes a dar a Dios la fuerza de su juventud, para que mediante el ejercicio de sus facultades, a través del pensamiento agudo y la acción vigorosa, puedan traer gloria a Él y salvación a sus semejantes". (Obreros evangélicos, 67.) Recientemente, varios de nuestros voluntarios y estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de realizar un viaje misionero con amigos de un ministerio asociado, B3. El grupo se dirigió río arriba a Torewa, una comunidad de la selva de Madidi que hemos tenido el placer de visitar en varias ocasiones. El equipo de B3 prestó servicios médicos y el de Eben-Ezer se encargó de cocinar, visitar las casas, dio cortes de pelo y programar actividades para los niños. Nuestros estudiantes también tuvieron la oportunidad de trabajar junto a los médicos y ayudarles en algunas de sus tareas, como pesar a los niños y tomarles la tensión. El año pasado no pudimos hacer tantos viajes misioneros como esperábamos. Es nuestro plan para hacer más durante el próximo año escolar 2024. Si bien somos una escuela que ofrece aprendizaje en el aula, nuestro deseo es seguir lo más cerca posible el diseño de Dios para la educación... la verdadera educación. Queremos preparar a nuestros estudiantes para la vida después de la escuela secundaria, y lo más importante queremos ayudar en el desarrollo de nuestros estudiantes ... física, mental y espiritualmente. Es nuestro deseo que cada uno de ellos deje Eben-Ezer con un deseo de servir mientras seguimos aquí en la tierra. Oramos que esto les dará un vislumbre de la "alegría del servicio superior en el mundo venidero". Para lograrlo, queremos darles oportunidades de experimentar la alegría del servicio mientras están bajo nuestro cuidado. "Nuestras ideas de educación tienen un alcance demasiado estrecho y bajo. Se necesita un ámbito más amplio, un objetivo más elevado. La verdadera educación significa algo más que la realización de un determinado curso de estudios. Significa más que una preparación para la vida actual. Tiene que ver con todo el ser y con todo el período de existencia posible para el hombre. Es el desarrollo armonioso de las facultades físicas, mentales y espirituales. Prepara al estudiante para el gozo del servicio en este mundo y para el gozo superior de un servicio más amplio en el mundo venidero." (Educación, pg 13) Estaríamos muy agradecidos por sus oraciones mientras ministramos a cada precioso joven confiado a nosotros y a nuestro cuidado. Gracias por acompañarnos en este viaje. "The knowledge which they have gained in the cultivation of the soil and other branches of manual labor, and which they will carry with them to their fields of labor, will make them a blessing even in heathen lands." CM 519.2
What a great year! Our 10 graduates had the satisfaction of seeing the fruit of their efforts. It is our greatest desire to instruct them in the practical work of life and, to teach them that through effort, physical and team work, patience and perseverance, they can learn life lessons that will form them as useful people for the world; and in the hands of God, GREAT INSTRUMENTS. At the beginning of the school-year, we encouraged them to have a self-sustaining project for their graduation... and they took it very seriously! Throughout the year they made great sacrifices and worked hard on their watermelon field. We all learned many life lessons through this experience. A little over a month ago we started tasting the sweetest watermelons our palates have ever tasted. First, they sold their watermelons internally, to volunteers, students and also to the school itself, because we wanted to support them. God blessed them so much that they had more watermelons than they knew what to do with. Unfortunately some even rotted before they could use them. They had to come up with a plan. We don’t have an exact count of how many watermelons they harvested (and continue to grow), but we do know that they took more than 3 trucks full of watermelons to sell in town. On their first trip to sell, they arrived excited with tears in their eyes to see how the people piled up and in almost 15 minutes they sold EVERYTHING and they ordered more.They were able to pay for absolutely everything for their graduation and left a beautiful legacy to all of us who were watching. Especially to their fifth grade classmates, because they not only have the example of effort and perseverance and team bonding. They also left them a legacy; the watermelon field! We rejoiced with them and worked together in the last family activity, as we ALL went to the watermelon chaco to pick the last watermelons (during the school year) and enjoyed BEING A UNITED FAMILY. "No work will be more effective than that done by those who, having obtained an education in practical life, go out into the mission fields with the message of truth, prepared to instruct others as they have been instructed." CM 519 ¡Las sandías más dulces y especiales! “El conocimiento que han obtenido en el cultivo del suelo y otros ramos del trabajo manual, y que llevarán consigo a sus campos de labor, hará de ellos una bendición aun en las tierra paganas”. CM 519.2 ¡Qué gran año! Nuestros 10 chicos de promoción tuvieron la satisfacción de ver el fruto de sus esfuerzos. Es nuestro más grande deseo; instruirlos en el trabajo práctico de la vida y que a través del esfuerzo, trabajo físico y en equipo, la paciencia y perseverancia; puedan aprender lecciones de vida que los forme como personas útiles para el mundo y en las manos de Dios GRANDES INSTRUMENTOS. Les dimos la iniciativa que tener un proyecto de auto sustento para su graduación… ¡y se lo tomaron muy en serio! Durante todo el año hicieron grandes sacrificios y arduo trabajo para trabajar en su chaco de sandías. Aprendimos, y sabemos que ellos también, muchas lecciones y experiencias de crecimiento en la vida. Hace más de un mes, empezamos a probar las sandías más dulces que nuestro paladar halla probado. Primeramente, vendían sus sandías internamente, a voluntarios, alumnos y también a la misma escuela porque queríamos apoyarlos. Dios los bendijo tanto que no daban a basto con tanta sandia en el chaco, hasta se llegaron a perder algunas (se reventaban y se podrían). Fueron fieles en cada venta y Dios fue fiel en abundarlos. No tenemos un estimado de cuántas sandías salieron (y siguen); pero lo que si podemos dar testimonio es de más de 3 camionetas llenas, que llevaron a vender al pueblo. En su primera ida a vender, llegaron emocionados con lágrimas en sus ojos en ver cómo la gente se amontonaba y en casi 15min vendieron TODO y les encargaron por más. Pudieron pagar absolutamente todo para su graduación y le dejaron un hermoso legado a todos los que los estuvimos observando. Especialmente a sus compañeros de quinto, pues no sólo tienen el ejemplo de esfuerzo y perseverancia y unión en el equipo. Sino que les heredaron: ¡el chaco de sandías! Nos gozamos junto con ellos y trabajamos juntos en la última actividad por familias, pues TODOS nos fuimos al chaco a sacar las últimas sandías (durante el año escolar) y disfrutamos SER UNA FAMILIA UNIDA. “Ninguna obra será más eficaz que la hecha por aquellos que, habiendo obtenido una educación en la vida práctica, salgan a los campos misioneros con el mensaje de verdad, preparados para instruir a otros como ellos han sido instruidos”. CM 519 We are very blessed here at Eben-Ezer to have many volunteers from all around the world. While we certainly are co-workers, we also consider ourselves to be family. Our “family” consists of students, volunteers, and their children. This year we have 93 people on campus! We all get the chance every day to get to know each other since we work side by side, but we want all of you to have the opportunity to meet and get to know us, too! We will be introducing you through the blog to our students and staff and we thought it would be fun to first introduce you to our founder and director and his family, the Cardoza's. The Cardoza Family
I arrived in Bolivia almost 18 years ago and I worked as a teacher and boys Dean at a boarding school in the Amazon jungle. The main objective of that school was, and still is, for young people to know God, surrender to him and learn to serve him. After a time, I served as an administrative member and then as an associate director of the same place. In 2007, I worked for a couple of months during the summer vacation as a translator and editor of audiovisual material for the Advenir channel. In 2009, I moved to a new project and for one year I was the associate director of a children’s home – boarding school. It was there that I met Jenny, a young woman committed and dedicated to service and with a love for God and others that went beyond what I was just beginning to understand. I fell in love with her, and God allowed us to get married at the end of 2010. Now as a couple, Jenny and I were both serving in the same boarding school where I had started my mission work. After several years of serving there and faced with a growing need for space to accomodate more young people, God showed us the way to open another center and together with Miguel and Tara, we started plans to meet that goal. God allowed us to dream and showed us that dreams with Him can come true. Eben-Ezer is that dream that God gave us. When we started, the entire property was complete jungle and through the process of transforming the jungle into a fully operational campus, God allowed us to see how He did His work shaping it through our work and the work of many others who He sent to make this a reality. In the same way, He connected us with many others from a distance and with their financial support built what Eben-Ezer is today. Eben-Ezer started only a few years ago and we could fill books describing what God has done and continues to do through simple people that he brings from anywhere in the world to show a different world to hundreds of children, youth and adults who now know what Eben-Ezer means: so far God has helped us. Jenny and I have two daughters. Jordanna is 11 and Juliana is 9. I serve here at Eben-Ezer as a director, alongside Miguel. Every day God does so much for us and forgives us so much through things and people. He fills us with love and the best we can do is reciprocate that love. There is so much need and so much pain and suffering in this world. What kind of people would we be if we did not do something for those who suffer? God has taken away our pain and suffering and has given us hope. What kind of Christians would we be if we did not cooperate with Him to help others receive which we have already received? Eighteen years ago, I made a decision, and it was the best decision of my life. As long as God allows me, I will seek to serve Him. For whom much has been forgiven, much will he love. My wife, Jenny Carolina Figueroa, was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia. She grew up in a home with a fear of God, but without a specific religion. At the age of 16, she gave her live to God through the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and from that age she dedicated her life to volunteer missionary service. She began her experience in the mission field in Brazil at a missionary training school that she attended for over a year. Since then, she has served in several departments (departments are the equivalent to States in the US) of Bolivia at many different projects. She spent some time serving at a television channel doing cooking shows, radio shows, writing and translation of material. She has also served as a 1st grade teacher, academic director, and surrogate mother of 10 girls at the Familia Feliz orphanage. After getting married, Jenny and I worked together to start a bakery that would provide the boarding school that we were serving at together to become self-supported. We lived and served there together for over 8 years. Jenny has a very special personality. She has a welcoming charisma and with this unique gift she works as the director of social activities and hospitality at Eben-Ezer. She loves to make people feel welcome, she loves to serve and care for people. She has a special ability to make our volunteers and students feel welcome, special, and loved. One of Jenny’s favorite quotes is found in Hebrews 13:2 and it says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”. In addition to this important work, Jenny also works as a general supervisor in the kitchen, which includes making menus, scheduling weekly cooking groups, inventory, and shopping lists. This is no small feat when a kitchen is feeding close to 100 people 3 meals per day! Along with all her responsibilities to the project, Jenny is also a homeschool mom. She educates our daughters and dedicates part of the day to teaching them the basic and essential things in life; mainly for the mission field because she wants and believes that they will finish the work. From Jenny: “I live a personal experience of REDEMPTION. I live my life grateful to God for so much love that I receive from my Heavenly Father. This is my greatest motivation serve as a volunteer missionary. I simply want to reciprocate this love through what God allows me to do in my work. “We love Him because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19. My biggest motivation in service is to see a life transformed. I love being able to see a redeemed soul, to see a young person or child believe in a Savior and accept Him into their lives. I love seeing a smile on the face of a wounded being, healed and redeemed for the glory and honor of God. I want the readers to know that I worship and serve a REAL God. An understanding God who always accompanies His children in their lives. For me, God is a present God, a consoling God, a God who forgives and loves…always!” 2022 OverviewEvery year at Eben-Ezer is busy and full of activities. 2022 was no exception! Click here for a summary of some the mission and outreach opportunities we had during the 2022 school year. Graduation The end of the school year is always bittersweet here at Eben-Ezer. Students and volunteers can look forward to a little rest and time with family during vacation, but it also means that we will be saying goodbye to our graduating students. We grow to love each of our kids and so when it’s time for them to leave and “spread their wings”, as the saying goes, it truly is bittersweet. In 2022, we graduated 4 students. Noel, Yovanna, Emer and Lizeth. All 4 of these young adults have great potential and we know that God has a plan for each one of them. Our prayer is that they will keep their focus on Him and let Him guide their steps. God Works in Miraculous Ways! |
WELCOME!We are so thankful that you are here reading. We pray that you will enjoy learning more about who we are and what we are up to! We want to thank each of you for your interest in getting to know us and for your continued support and encouragement as we continue to serve God and minister to the young people here at the Eben-Ezer project. We couldn’t do it without each of you! Categories |