Community Service and Outreach
"We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed and encouraged. We want our children to believe the truth. We want them to be blessed of God. we want them to act as part in well-organized plans for helping other youth. Let all be so trained that they may rightly represent the truth, giving the reason of the hope that is within them, and honoring God in any branch of the work where they are qualified to labor." - EGW
Community service and outreach are activities that we value at Eben-Ezer. We build them into our weekly schedule, along with periodic mission trips to communities further away. Students and staff are encouraged and given many opportunities to participate voluntarily. We are often encouraged by the number of kids who want to be a part of this important work!
Mission Trips
Each year, our students and staff have opportunities to do short-term mission trips. We have partnered with a medical missions ministry called Bienestar 3 ("B3") to do several trips to two communities called Torewa, Upper and Lower Torewa. The two Torewas are located several hours by boat up the river from Rurrenabaque, a city about 2.5 hours from our campus by truck. They are in the Madidi National Forest and visitors are required to be invited before going into their territory. Along with assisting the medical staff, we have also been able to do some construction projects, VBS programs for their kids, visit community members in their homes, cook for the entire team and more. We also try to regularly visit a small community called Tigre, we have helped with community outreach, construction, and some community service projects. It is our goal in 2024 to do a minimum of 5 of these short-term mission trips.
Community Service
Each week, we have the privilege of serving in our little community of Ixiamas and periodically we will serve in neighboring communities as well. Community service projects are a blessing because often they give us an opportunity to work alongside folks in the community, allowing us the chance to connect and get to know them. Some examples of projects we have done or helped with include: helping the hospital to clean up their campus, helping to clean the plaza in town (the community park), cleaning the streets in town, helping the elderly with projects around their homes, helped to clean up a local church.
Visiting and Community Outreach
We LOVE to visit people here in Ixiamas and other surrounding communities. Over the years, we have been able to travel and visit many families in the communities of Baja Undumo, Tigre, San Jose, Tumupasa, Tacana and Macawa. During these visits we spend time connecting with the families through prayer, singing and often through doing a small program for their children. We also give out Bibles and Children’s Bible Story books.
Sabbath (Saturday) is always a special day. We have church and Sabbath School together each week and then, after lunch, students and staff spend time together visiting families in Ixiamas. Some groups go door to door and pray or sing to people, others give Bible studies or provide children’s programs. On average, each week we visit 15-20 families in their homes.
Sabbath (Saturday) is always a special day. We have church and Sabbath School together each week and then, after lunch, students and staff spend time together visiting families in Ixiamas. Some groups go door to door and pray or sing to people, others give Bible studies or provide children’s programs. On average, each week we visit 15-20 families in their homes.